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About Shannon



Digestive wellness

Food allergies & intolerance

Healthy cooking / meal planning

Diet and Detoxification

Elimination diets

My Story


My name is Shannon Silva and currently living in Central Florida. Health and nutrition is a very important aspect of my life.  I am here to tell you my health story.  At age 10 I was overweight and having heart palpitations.  My mother took me to one of the best doctors to figure out, one why I was overweight for my age and two why was I having these heart palpitations.

The doctors couldn't figure out anything and I want about my days.  Fast forward to age 16, now underweight, very active and as healthy as I can be (so I thought). I started having seizures, out of no where on my 16th birthday.  The neurologist said "a lot of teenagers go through hormonal changes", so that's what the seizures where caused from. 

Seizures finally stopped and at the age of 18 I was removed from my seizure medication.  About 1 year later I noticed that I having some hearing difficulty and decided to have my hearing tested.  Having said that, I have 50% of my hearing gone from the medication that I was own for my seizures and now wear hearing aids to cope. 

At this point I was fed up with doctors and did not want to see another doctor ever again.  Flash forward to age 23, I was feeling very lethargic and I knew it was time to go back to the doctors for a quick check up.  My primary care physician was not alarmed at my symptoms and just said it was from my stressful job and lack of sleep at the time.  She sent me for routine blood work and told me I will see you next year.   I got a phone call the next day that the doctor wanted to see me to go over my blood work. 

In her office I get the news that I was a type 1 diabetic, with my blood sugar at 800 fasting. And she was more concerned that I had no idea what the symptoms or signs where of diabetes.  I was very upset and depressed knowing that I had type 1 diabetes and that I would never be able to live my life how I currently was. 


Having seen my endocrinologist we had determined that when I was 10 with heart palpitations, losing a huge amount of weight when I was 15 and having no energy what so ever.  These where all symptoms and signs of type 1 diabetes.  I am currently a very active and healthy type 1 diabetic, on the T-Slim insulin pump and I have a Continuous Glucose Monitor attached to me (called DEXCOM ).  Am I upset at these doctors for not diagnosing me? Absolutely
But it's my job now to help and support my fellow diabetic's in the community.

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