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How to Eat Well on a Budget

Eating Well on a budget can be very overwhelming, you can pay triple to double the amount that your spending, or so you thought. I am going to teach your the easiest and simplest ways to shop and get the most bang for your buck. The key to eating well is to stay within the outer skirts of your grocery store, yes you said it "I can't go thought the aisles". Aisle shopping prompt you to buy grocery that you don't necessarily need or want. Walking through those aisles can sky rocket your bill and make your pockets empty.

By walking only on the outskirts of your grocery store maintains your healthy eating habits and eating on a budget. Now, I know what your thinking "Shannon you want us to eat Organic fruits and vegetables (which is on the out skirts of the grocer stores) how can this save on our budget". Yes organic is 100% better for you, but eating healthier is most important. If you can't buy all organic don't worry about it. As long as your eating healthy fruits and vegetables WHO CARES!!

Now I'm going to let you in on a little secret about my favorite grocery store: ALDI

Aldi carries all organic fruits and vegetables (since January 2017) and it will save you a tone of money. Just go in there once and I promise you will SAVE money.

Another little tib-bit I do is, going to your local farmers market., not only are you helping the local communities but you are also eating good quality food. AMAZING!

So next time, your going grocery shopping, think about my great tib-bits.


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