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Having a healthy lifestyle!

Eating right can be a challenge for almost everyone, from an adult in the 60's to a young teenager in there teens. All American's have an issue with understanding what there suppose to eat and what not to eat. I am a firm believe that we should be able to make healthy choices for yourself 90% of the time and 10% of the time we are aloud to splurge on ourselves :) .

We are constantly dieting and not just having a healthy lifestyle. We need to have a balance in our eating habits. Choosing healthy food options is very easy to find. Instead of having mashed potatoes, try cauliflower mashed potatoes (recipe will be posted) . When thinking of habing ice cream, have banaa nice cream (receipe will be posted). We only have 1 body and 1 life to live. We might as well treat out bodoes to good quality foods.

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