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Facts about type 1

Many people have misconception about type 1 diabetes. Especially when it comes to age,

As many as three million Americans have type 1 diabetes, "according to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). About 15,000 children and 15,000 adults are diagnosed each year. Approximately 15 percent of Americans with type 1 diabetes are children". That's crazy!!

You no what drive my crazy, when i explain to someone I am type 1 diabetic and they automatically assume that I can't eat sugar #wrong, I can in fact have sugar I just need to make sure to give myself the correct dosage of insulin.

Also if my blood sugar gets low, I have to have sugar in order to bring up my sugar levels, or I could have a seizure and get into a coma (and that's not fun)

The last craziness I am going to tell you is when someone comes up to you and says, "Oh you can get rid of type 1 with exercise and diet" #wrong again, When I was diagnosed (and still today) I ate mostly a plant based diet and exercised 3-4x a week. I was also 120 pounds (at the time due to me being misdiagnosed, that's another story).

So the next time you see a person and there type 1, don't automatically assume you no whats wrong with them and how to fix it.

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