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Aloe Vera and Baking Soda

Aloe vera is a boon to various skin problems. Having anti-inflammatory properties, it promotes a soothing effect to the skin. The glycoproteins present in the gel speed up the healing process by supporting the growth and repair of damaged skin tissues. The minerals provide relief from itching.

How To
  • Cut open a few leaves of aloe vera and scrape out the gel into a container.

  • Store the gel in the refrigerator for an hour.

  • Apply a thin layer of the gel on the affected areas and let it dry.

  • Drying indicates that the skin has absorbed the gel completely.

  • You could either leave it as is or gently rinse with cold water.

Try this remedy for 5–6 times a day for 2 weeks. In case you aren’t able to find aloe vera leaf, try the gels that are commercially available.


Baking soda acts by balancing the pH of the skin. This soothes your skin and reduces burning sensation and itching considerably.

How To
  • Add 1 cup of baking soda to a bathtub filled with cold water.

  • Soak in for 15–20 minutes and pat dry your body thoroughly.

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